Theatre Review: MSP's Five Women Wearing the Same Dress

Community By Kayleen Padron, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Main Street Players (MSP) located at 6766 Main Street, presents Five Women Wearing the Same Dress, running from now until August 12. The play is set in the bright pink childhood bedroom of Meredith, played by Lorena Estevez. It’s Meredith’s big sister’s wedding day, and she’s feeling suffocated from the festivities unfolding just outside her bedroom window. She barges in her room, frantically taking off her leather jacket that hides a hideous bridesmaid dress. 

Unbeknownst to her, Frances (played by Icela Marliese) is hiding under the bed, when just seconds before she was strolling around the bedroom, humming “Going to the Chapel of Love” by the Dixie Cups and daydreaming about what her big day might be like. They’re soon joined by Trisha, (played by Amanda-Lynn Williams) a seemingly put-together 30-something with trust issues and a colorful past. 

Played by Thiana Berrick, Georgeanne stumbles through the door, screaming obscenities at the ex-love-of-her-life, who probably didn’t hear a word she said. The groom’s sister, Mindy (played by Rei Capote) randomly walks in the room at one point, clinging to a plate-full of hors d’oeuvres, at the most inopportune moment. 

Tripp (played by Kevin Rubi) chimes in towards the end of the play, convincing Trisha to join him in a last-minute attempt to ditch the reception and have a “romantic” evening together. 

They all stay in the bedroom, mocking the seemingly perfectness of the couple getting married just a floor below them. Although each woman has their own personality, they all had the same disgust for the man Georgeanne was yelling at a moment before. 

Not only does this play tug on audience’s heart strings, but the laugh-out-loud dramedy gives a glimpse to what women really talk about behind closed doors. Authentic and charming, this play will make audiences feel like they’re there with the characters, donning the same gaudy dress. 

Showtimes are on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $30 for adults and $25 for students, seniors and military personnel. Theatre League members/Industry $20 with I.D. presented at door. Tickets may be purchased in advance at, or at the box office 60 minutes before show time. For more information, contact Patty Fernandez at (786)344-7551.