Miami-Dade County Commissioners, at their September 1 regular meeting, were expected to establish special taxing districts for lake maintenance in the communities of Lake Patricia and Lake Hilda after Miami Lakes residents living in those communities collected signatures from their neighbors to allow the county to maintain the cleanliness and appearance of their lake. For many years, the lake maintenance responsibility has been funded...
  Miami Lakes offers over 50 different recreation programs for all ages and skill levels including a wide variety of after school activities. For a complete list of the Town’s programs, visit and click on the Programs, Sports and Camps tab. Registration for programs is done entire online at Although some of the programs have already started, there are still some spots...

Photo contest winners announced

Community Thursday, September 3, 2015

    Town of Miami Lakes announced winners of the “Capture  Miami Lakes Moment” photo contest. First place winner is Juan Espejo, second place was awarded to Alexandra Chavez, and Jaylin Hernandez placed third. Entries varied from beautiful landscape shots, picturesque Miami Lakes landmarks, and even the Town’s trademark cows, making choosing a winner very difficult. Entries receiving Honorable Mention honors...

Town offers archery program for kids and adults

Community Thursday, September 3, 2015

  Miami Lake has added youth and adult Archery sessions to its wide variety of community classes. The program will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in two 16-week sessions - Session 1 started Tuesday, September 2 and runs to December 17; Sessions 2 opens on January 6, 2016, and runs to April 28. The classes are held at Miami Lakes Optimist Park. The youth class, open to ages 7-15, runs from 4 to 5 p.m. The adult class, opens to ages 16...

Lineup for Miami Lakes Rocks! Festival

Community Thursday, September 3, 2015

  Miami Lakes Rocks! music festival, the free annual event that features young local musicians and vocalists, is scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. on Saturday, September 19, at Miami Lakes Optimist Park, 6411 N.W. 162 Street. Event sponsor Miami Lakes Youth Activities Task Force announced the following lineup: 1. Quantum Waves 2. Nina Castro-Bosch 3. No Traffik 4. Beyond the Boundary 5. Long Shore Drive 6. High Tide The event is being...