Veteran book reading Jan. 25 at Main St. Playhouse

Community Wednesday, January 22, 2014

  On January 25, the Main Street Players will be hosting a panel discussion and book signing of the recently released Post 8195: Black Soldiers Tell Their Vietnam Stories.  Edited by VFW Post 8195 Commander Bobby White, each chapter focuses on stories as told by a group of 23 Vietnam War veterans who volunteered to help create this courageous work. The stories expose readers to the true, challenging, and many times painful...
  The Friends of the Miami-Dade Public Library will host its third annual “Miami Moments” at 7 p.m. on Saturday, February 8, at the Main Library, 101 West Flagler Street in downtown Miami. The Main Library will be transformed into a tropical paradise honoring Ruth and the late Richard Shack, longtime library and community supporters, and the Miami Dolphins Foundation for its many years of helping to underwrite library...

Miami Lakes Library's January Program Schedule

Community Wednesday, January 22, 2014

  Miami Lakes Branch Library has the following programs available for the public during January: For Children: Family Game Day! – Come to the library and enjoy time with your family playing board games. For all ages. Meets at 3 p.m. on Saturday, January 18. Paws 2 Read – Certified therapy dogs listen as children read aloud and practice their reading skills. For all ages at 11 a.m. on Saturday, January 18. Reading Ready...
  The Beacon Council recently launched a website aiming to help commercial brokers and realtors to market their available properties. The website,, offers a database of vacant commercial properties and buildings now for sale or lease. The website provides data on demographics, consumer spending trends, and labor force statistics which are key indicators for businesses when looking to relocate or expand. The Town...
  The Miami Lakes Garden Club (MLGC) announced its upcoming Gardening Program Series presentation "A look at GMOs," a free lecture presentation at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 27, at Miami Lakes Community Center West, 15151 Montrose Road. The topic of this presentation will be centered on the history of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and the recent studies of the impact it has on a person’s  health. The presentation...