Did You Know?: Fio Marquez's random acts of kindness

Community By Amanda Berenguer, Special to The Miami Laker Tuesday, July 14, 2015


The thought of a stranger passing out thank-you cards for people simply being themselves is pleasantly out of the ordinary, but for 23-year-old Miami Lakes resident Fiorella Marquez, random acts of kindness like this are just stepping stones on her journey towards making positive impacts on peoples lives.

Marquez, known affectionately as Fio, has a degree in psychology and is currently working on her second degree in sociology. Fueled by her deep passion for knowledge and helping others, Marquez has dedicated herself to the mission of boosting confidence and self-worth. Whether it be a child of eight-years-old or an adult of 30, Marquez aims to make a difference in peoples lives.

Along with her full time schooling, Marquez has managed to build an online community focused on the betterment of oneself through their own eyes. Her goal is to be that shoulder you can lean on, that voice of wisdom that reminds you that though tough times may come, there is a light at the end of every tunnel.


Why is Marquez so dedicated to her cause? It wasn’t long ago that she was made to believe she had no purpose in life. Struggling with depression, Marquez was teased and harassed by those who she believed to be closest to her. On her website, FioEffect.com, she recounts her hardships in detail. For almost a year she would receive phone calls, e-mails, and text messages from her peers calling her ugly, fat and worthless.


“I began to think I was going insane, I blamed everything on myself, I began to convince myself that I deserved every single bad thing that was happening to me,” recounts Marquez. 

Despite this hardship, Marquez made it though her struggle and devoted herself into making sure no one would have to experience what she did. She started her website where people could write to her about whatever was on their minds. There was no judgement or ridicule, simply an ear to listen and an open heart to understand.

As time progressed, Marquez began to get letters from her readers and other individuals who believed that her strength helped them get through their own rough times. Marquez also hosts a free support group once a month where individuals of all ages can gather and speak freely about whatever may be troubling them.


Marquez also put together an event earlier this year she titled “I am Woman”. Here, she arranged for some of the ladies who had been reaching out to her to have their hair and make-up done, gave them gifts and even had a photographer take their pictures. 


“I’ve had low self esteem before so I thought about what would make me feel beautiful and designed the event around that,” said Marquez.

In early June, Marquez went around to hospitals and local Miami Lakes restaurants and handed out thank-you cards to strangers. The cards had words of encouragement such as “You are strong,”  “You matter,” “You're worth it,” and “You are beautiful.” She handed these notes of optimism to nurses and waiters and even left some on cars in parking lots. Her goal was to make as many people feel as appreciated as she could, an act of kindness she plans on repeating.

Marquez’s list of goals is quite vast and includes traveling the world as a motivational speaker, becoming a mental health counselor for children and getting her doctoral degree, just to name a few. Marquez believes that although bad things may happen, there is always a positive outlook on life and every day she strives to reach her message of love and understanding to all who are willing to listen.