Did You Know?: Hedges

Community By The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Did you know the Town of Miami Lakes has ordinances in the Land Development Code which regulates the location and height of hedges on non-zero-lot-line residential dry and lakefront lots?

On dry lots, hedges:

1. Must be set back 25-feet from the front property line (usually the edge of the sidewalk);

2. Must be trimmed to a maximum height of 6-feet;

3. Facing arterial or collector roadways shall have a maximum height of 10-feet;

4. Facing state roadways have no height limit, but must be maintained neat and trimmed; and

5. No hedge shall be planted outside of the property lot lines.

There are additional restrictions on lakefront lots designed to protect the access to, and views of, the lake from neighboring properties. A partial list of these rules include:

1. No hedge or plant groupings shall exceed two and one-half feet in height waterward of the top of the slope.

2. Hedges along the side property lines shall not be permitted within 10-feet of the water’s edge as defined as the average high groundwater elevation.

3. In addition, fences, walls or rocks arranged to form a fence or wall, or objects which restrict access or block view from adjacent properties, are not permitted beyond the top of the slope toward the lake, or waterside of the survey tie line.

4. All existing hedges that do not comply with the above regulations shall either be removed, if no longer permitted, or trimmed to comply with the maximum height requirements.

In general, be a good neighbor and keep your hedges trimmed to the height allowed for privacy, but not to restrict your neighbor’s views, light and air.

Let’s keep Miami Lakes Growing Beautifully.