Main Street Players schedules auditions for Bad Jews April 17-18

Community Thursday, April 6, 2017

Main Street Players, 6766 Main Street, are holding auditions for the upcoming play Bad Jews on Monday, April 17 and Tuesday, April 18 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Callbacks are scheduled for Wednesday, April 19 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. 

It is nighttime in March in New York City and today was the funeral of the patriarchal grandfather of the Feygenbaum and Haber families. The cousins are gathering at the West Side apartment studio that belongs to the Haber's.  Daphna Feygenbaum and Jonah Haber are already at the studio apartment, soon to be joined by Jonah's older brother Liam, who missed the funeral as he was in Colorado with his girlfriend, Melody.  

A battle between Daphna and Liam ensues over their Pop Pop's Chai, a sentimental piece of jewelry he had since being a Holocaust survivor. Bad Jews is an ongoing battle that borders on class and religious warfare that will leave the audience howling with laughter as the cousins have at it. 

Actors will be compensated for their performance. Those wishing to audition must bring a recent headshot and updated resume. All actors auditioning for Daphna and Liam should prepare a 1-2 minute monologue and be prepared to read from the script. All actors auditioning for Jonah and Melody should be prepared to read from the script. Any foreseeable conflicts during the rehearsal process must be stated.  

All actors who audition will receive an audition form to complete prior to the audition date. These audition forms should be sent to the director.To schedule an audition time and submit an audition form, email the director, Robert Coppel at  


Daphna Feygenbaum - 22, getting ready to graduate from college. Liam and Jonah's first cousin, she has an opinion about everything and is never afraid to voice it. 2/3 body, 1/3 hair. Thick, intense, curly, frizzy, long brown hair. Hair that screams: Jew. 

Liam Haber - 25, very intense and well educated; getting his Ph.D in Asian studies after being a Fulbright scholar in Japan. His mother is the sister of Daphna's father. He despises Daphna and can't stand being in the same room with her. 

Jonah Haber - 21, Liam's brother and a sophomore in college. He is not as book smart as Liam, but he is very sensitive and has a big heart. Does not like to get into confrontations of any kind. He is indifferent about Daphna, but makes an effort to get along. 

Melody - 24, Liam's girlfriend, she is a blonde and not a member of the Jewish tribe. She usually wears a barrette in her hair. She is crazy about Liam, but is not close to being on his intellectual level. A bit simple-minded at times, but a good person who is trying to make the best out of a terrible situation; definitely a peace-maker.