Religious leaders share Christmas messages

Community Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Andrés Novela - Director of Campus Ministry Monsignor Edward Pace High School

“During this holiday season, may we celebrate the incarnation, the Emmanuel - God is with us.

“May our celebrations allow us to see the presence of God in each other - those close to us, our loved ones and also in the other - the marginalized and forgotten.

“May we learn from the humility of the Christ child to see past our differences, into the heart of our neigh- bor, whoever or wherever they may be.”

15600 NW 32nd Ave.
Miami Gardens 305-623-7223


Rev. John F. Stanton - Church of the Epiphany (Episcopal)

“Emmanuel – God-With- Us.

“Jesus was born in the Roman Empire in the small town of Bethlehem. As his life began, King Herod tried to find and kill him.

“His parents took Jesus and fled in fear to Egypt until Herod died. They returned when it was safe for the family and settled in Nazareth under the martial law of Roman soldiers.

“It was a dangerous beginning, which led to learning in his synagogue, baptism by John the Baptist, teaching, healing and even- tual crucifixion and return to life.

“God was with him all the way.

“Like Jesus, we are liv- ing in a dangerous time. The coronavirus claims thou- sands of lives and damages our economy. It prohibits friendly gatherings, closes places of business and sport- ing events and requires us to wear masks.

“As we celebrate a dan- gerous Christmas, know, as Jesus did, that God is with us.”

15650 Miami Lakeway North Miami Lakes 305-558-3961


Pastor Rudy Rivero - New Dawn Church – Iglesia Nuevo Amanecer

“We can all agree that this year has been challeng- ing to say the least.

“Between the pandemic and the social unrest, we have lost sight of peace and tranquility.

“But the one thing that we cannot let go is hope.
It is hope that will give us the strength to get up every morning and continue living our lives.

“As long as there is hope there is no fear of moving forward.

“I believe hope has a name, and that name is Jesus. “He alone is the con- stant hope that we can count on. He will not fail and will never change. This Christ- mas, I invite you to cling unto that hope.

“We cannot wait to cele- brate with you at New Dawn Church.”

17200 NW 87th Ave. Hialeah 305-556-5400


Rev. Flavio Montes - Parish Administrator Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church

“As we celebrate this Christmas season in which we rejoice in Jesus who is the light of the world, our thoughts and prayers turn to those who have been affected by the worldwide pandemic, both living and deceased.

“We sincerely pray that the light and testimony of our savior may bring hope and strength to all who suf- fer, and those who risk their health and their lives daily for the love of others, the glory of God and the wellbe- ing of their neighbors.

“We are thankful for the love that has been shared, following the example of Jesus born in Bethlehem.

“We rejoice for the gift of faith that keeps us working despite all the challenges and struggles.

“We ask that this Christ- mas time brings a sense of hope to all those who have suffered violence, hatred, prejudice, hunger and to those who fight for justice, peace and reconciliation of the spiritual gifts needed to achieve all this and more led by Christ, the newborn king.

“Remember that Jesus’ loving and gracious invita- tion to personally know him, the savior, is always there for you, for me and all!

“The Clergy, staff and parishioners of Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church wish you a blessed and Mer- ry Christmas, and a healthy and joyous New Year 2021!”

15801 NW 67th Ave.
Miami Lakes 305-558-2202


Pastor Al Pino - Palm Vista Community Church

“Life Changing Introduc- tions.

“What life changing in- troductions have you expe- rienced, an introduction that set the trajectory for your life?

“If you are married it may be the day you were introduced to your spouse. Perhaps it was the day you were introduced to your business partner, a key in- vestor, an influential teacher, a major client or the day
you were introduced to your current career path.

“In the Gospel of St. John, 1:14, God introduces himself to us and this intro- duction changed the course of human history and I pray it changes the course of your history.

“As we read below, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, came to live among us and reveal his glory to us.

“And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glo- ry, glory as of the only son from the father, full of grace and truth.

“As the angels declared at the birth of Christ, glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.

“May God be pleased to reveal Christ to you as the one who was born to die in order to make peace be- tween you and God.”

4450 NW 183rd St.
Miami Gardens 954-951-3461