Town Topics

Community Thursday, April 2, 2020

What are you doing to protect yourself during the coronavirus pandemic, and how are you spending your ‘safer at home’ time?

Pedro Fiallo
Miami Lakes

“We are staying home and cleaning our hands often. We watch lots of television to pass time and I’m catching up on my paperwork.”

Viviana Valdes
Owner, Moda by Pasarela
“We are practicing social distancing by staying home, eating healthy, taking vitamins and exercising our body and mind. We are spending our time learning new skills like sewing. Doing business courses online. Reading. And if you think about it, it’s a great time to do your spring cleaning. And spending time with our fur babies.”

Al Pino
Pastor, Palm Vista
Community Church
“I’m spending my time caring for those affected by the coronavirus and preparing my Sunday sermon in my home office. We broadcast it via our church Facebook page live on Sunday mornings so our members can watch it from their homes. Praying for God’s grace on us all as we work through this crisis together.”

Michael Saunders
Country Club of Miami

“I’m washing my hands thoroughly and cutting down on going to places.
Since I’m a chess coach, I spend a lot of time playing chess online and I encourage my students to do the same, in their spare time, after they have finished their school work.”

Alex Castroman
Miami Lakes

“My family and I have been in self-isolation for the past seven days. My two daughters are doing their college courses online and my wife, who’s a federal probation officer, is working from home.
We’re spending a lot of time together, eating dinner and watching movies.”