Lilly Tudela Co-owner, Giardino’s Salads and Co-owner, Bon Vivant Charcuterie & Gourmet Market Unincorporated Miami-Dade
“Yes, we should abolish it because it’s pointless and because I don’t like it when it becomes darker earlier than it should,” Lilly Tudela said. “I don’t care about money, I don’t care about farmers, farmer things, that’s why they say it. I just like light longer in the day.”
David Robertson Operator, Sweat440 Miami Lakes Miramar
“I do believe we should abolish daylight savings time, and my feeling is ... it creates confusion with the time change,” David Robertson said. “Sure, we transition pretty quick. I know it was done to save energy at some point in history, but think we’ve overcome most of those issues. Let’s just keep it one time. Let’s abolish daylight savings time.”
Charlene Martinez Co-owner, The Yard Miami Hollywood
“I want to stay in the summer [daylight] time,” Charlene Martinez said. “I believe it should stay the way [it will be after clocks spring ahead an hour at 2 a.m. on March 9], because it makes my day longer. I can go about my day and go ahead and have a lot more daytime.”
Adrian Martinez Co-owner, The Yard Miami Hollywood
“I basically like what we’re going into better,” Adrian Martinez said. “Since my days start at 5 [o’clock] in the morning, I can actually enjoy the day rather than when I get home at around 3 or 4 o’clock, the sun goes down immediately and I didn’t get to do what I needed around the house. I feel the moment 5:45 [p.m.] hits, I’m starting to get sleepy and I don’t want to do stuff around the house.”
Christine Calvino Literature and Drama Teacher, Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School Pembroke Pines
“In a world that is constantly changing, I say keeping daylight savings time helps preserve a sense of tradition,” Christine Calvino wrote in an email. “It offers a balance, giving winter lovers their early dark evenings while allowing summer enthusiasts to enjoy extended daylight. For these reasons, I believe we should keep it!”