Zonta club installs officers, inducts new members

Community Monday, July 21, 2014


The Zonta Club of Miami Lakes installed its 2014-2015 officers at the year end general membership meeting and inducted two new members.

The new officers include president Helen Brown, vice president Maria Crowley, secretary Jacqueline House, treasurer Joanie Graham, and directors Cookie Haeffner, Judy Coppel, Alina Tabibi, and Cathie Inman. Brown was installed for a two-year term.

The club welcomed new Zontians Lorna Owens and Esther Colon who were inducted at the year end meeting.

The Zonta Club is a diverse group of professional women who meet monthly to participate in presentations focused on the advancement of women, service projects, and fundraising activities to support 501©3 charities focused on girls and women. For more information, visit www.zontamiamilakes.org.