Miami Dade College starts vets program

Education Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Miami Dade College is now offering a program for veterans.The college has initiated the Veterans Upward Bound program, a no-cost initiative for veterans who are seeking to engage in post-secondary education.Through the program eligible veterans can obtain a basic skills assessment, preparation for standardized post-secondary tests, assistance with GI benefits and forms, and linkage to various support groups and services around the...

Our Lady of the Lakes marks 100th day of school

Education Wednesday, February 13, 2019

January 28 marked the 100th day of school at Our Lady of the Lakes! Dianna Acosta’s and Lisa Navarro’s Pre-K 3 classes had a very special morning snack that tied in with the theme. The children used 10 different snack items to classify and add to a hundred. They counted by ones, tens and even by fives. At the end of the activity, they were able to see what a hundred pieces of their favorite snacks look like. It was a lot of fun and very...
Joella C. Good Elementary School was recognized as the winner of the 2019 Magnet School of Distinction Award.The honor marks the second consecutive year the school won the award. MSA’s National Merit Awards program honors the top magnet schools in the United States. The awards recognize magnet schools that demonstrate commitment to high academic standards, curriculum innovation, successful desegregation and diversity efforts, and consistent...

MLEC again named Magnet School of Excellence

Education By Jaylyn Gonzalez, special to The Miami Laker Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Miami Lakes Educational Center (MLEC) is an award-winning school. Over the years, MLEC, its students, faculty and staff, have earned recognition for their performance, their skill and their dedication. This January, they received one more prestigious prize and recognition from Magnet Schools of America. It has once again received top honors, earning the distinction of a National Magnet School of Excellence.“The MSA School of Excellence Award...
Mater Lakes Academy’s Thespian Society, under the direction of Krista Flores and Christina Hummingbird, is getting ready to present their first musical of the school year “Little Shop of Horrors.” As Mater Lakes’ fifth production in partnership with Miami Dade College, “Little Shop of Horrors” will be performed in the Lehman Theatre February 21 through 23. This comical and one-of-a-kind show follows a few quirky characters working in a flower...