It’s almost time for kids to go back to school! This is such an exciting time of year for lots of kids and their parents as they gear up with new clothes, the latest sneakers and brand new school supplies. But lots of families dread this time of year, because not every family has the means to provide their children with important, and sometimes basic, school supplies.  Elevate Church wants to help lessen the burden on those...
  For Miami Dade College and Florida International University students who were seeking financial aid to continue their education, the Braman Family Foundation has come to the rescue again. The Foundation has renewed its commitment for $1 million in scholarships for another 1,000 students to complete their studies at the two colleges. The scholarships serve as an incentive for students to enroll full-time during their last year and...
  Amazon Smile is a charity that allows Amazon shoppers to donate 5 percent of the listed price from select items to charities of the buyer’s choosing without any additional cost. Charities can range from larger nonprofits to local schools or places of worship. With over one million organizations to choose from, all customers have to do is sign into their Amazon account, visit and select the organization of...
  On June 21, five “Feed the Homeless Meters,” to benefit the homeless in Miami-Dade County, were unveiled throughout various locations in Miami Lakes – one on Main Street, and the others at the Town’s main public parks. The installation of these meters are a result of work done by 7th grade students of the Civic Engagement Academy (CEA at Bob Graham Education Center. During the past school year, these students...

Pace's Mayerli Cayon completes FBI Summer Youth Academy

Sports By Raquel Edmundson, Special to the Miami Laker Wednesday, July 18, 2018

  Pace High School junior Mayerli Cayon is one of the latest graduates of the FBI Summer Youth Academy hosted by Miami Dade College’s North Campus, the FBI Miami Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBI Miami CAAA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation Miami Division.  The week-long academy took place June 11 through 16 where Cayon and other local high school upperclassman took a deeper dive into the inner-workings of the...