Pace offers make-up entrance exam

Education Monday, January 11, 2016

Monsignor Edward Pace High School is offering a make-up entrance exam for prospective students on Monday, January 25. This exam is being offered to students who missed out on the previous High School Placement Test given by the school. Exam takers must be at the Pace campus on time as the exam begins at 8 a.m. As the exam is being given during a regular school day, prospective students will also be able to see first-hand what life at Pace is...

Magnet School application deadline Jan. 15

Education Monday, January 11, 2016

  Miami-Dade County Public Schools continue its 2015-2016 school year with well-rounded, academically rigorous programs. Among the many MDCPS offerings are the multitude of magnet schools within the district that will accept applications for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year until January 15. Fifty-three new choice/magnet program offerings were created for the 2015-2016 school year, bringing the total of choice programs to over 500....

HML Model UN looks ahead to 2016 campaigns

Education Monday, January 11, 2016

  The Hialeah Miami Lakes High School Model UN Competition Team will look to continue its successful campaign in 2016. The team is currently working diligently on position papers for two upcoming competitions. HML will be one of the only schools in the area to attend the GatorMUN competition held annually at the University of Florida from January 29 - 31. GatorMUN is one of the region’s largest and most competitive high school...
  The Miami Lakes Optimist Club recently concluded its Fall 2015 Flag Football season. Over 200 children participated in the league this season, receiving trophies at the league's closing ceremony event on Saturday, December 12, at Royal Oaks Park. Congratulations to the 5-7 division champion Panthers (above left), 8-10 division champion Lions (above right), and 11-13 division champion Seahawks. The season was made possible in part by...

Pace's STEM Academy for Computer Technologies visits NAP of the Americas

Education By Rene D. Basulto, Special to The Miami Laker Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Fourteen students from Monsignor Edward Pace High School’s STEM Academy Emerging Computer Technologies Program got to see the pinnacle of technology in South Florida when they visited Verizon Terremark’s NAP of the Americas data center and Internet exchange point in downtown Miami on November 17. The NAP (Network Access Point) functions essentially as the heart of the Internet for Latin America as it connects South America and the...