Roselyn Castillo, an 8th grade honor student at Bob Graham Education Center, hopes to visit Washington D.C. with her school next May for an unforgettable trip to the nation's political hub and historical sites.  "This trip is a once in a lifetime experience. It will give me the opportunity to experience our government in action and gain the skills, knowledge and confidence I need to be an engaged citizen," said Castillo. ...

M-Dade Libraries announce October events

Education Friday, October 4, 2013

  Miami Lakes Branch Library has the following programs available for the public during October: For Children: Family Game Day! – Come to the library and enjoy time with your family playing board games. For all ages. Meets at 3 p.m. on Saturday, October 5. Reading Ready Toddler Storytime – Stories, songs and activities for toddlers and their caregivers. For ages 18 months to 3 years old. Registration required. Meets at 11...
  Miami Lakes Optimist baseball player Jasmine Harris was offered and accepted a full scholarship to South Carolina State upon graduating with top honors. Known to her teammates as “Jazzy,” Harris will be the starting shortstop for the Bulldogs. “This is a great accomplishment for a young lady who has worked extremely hard academically and is an amazing athlete,” said her coach Alex Castroman.  “Jazzy...
  Perla Tabares Hantman, chairman of the Miami-Dade County School Board, joined a group of student drivers at American Senior High School as they took the national “No Texting While Driving” pledge. The event was part of Hantman’s long-standing safety campaign to bring awareness to the dangers of risky driving behaviors, including text messaging.

OLL student council is inducted

Religious Friday, October 4, 2013

  Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School recently inducted new members into its Student Council. The Council consists of four Executive Board members made up of eighth-grade students and one class representative from each homeroom in grades four through eight. The group represents OLL’s student body in many school-sponsored functions and activities, such as Grandparents Day, Career Day and Field Day. They also promote activities...