MLK-8 Center's Media Specialist Ibis Mendoza up for Life Changer award

Education Friday, February 5, 2016


Ibis Mendoza, a media specialist at Miami Lakes K-8 Center, was recently nominated for the National Life Group’s Life Changer of the Year Award, for her passion for books and reading stories to students and helping them find the books they request. 

The annual program recognizes and rewards K-12 education professionals, including full-time teachers, administrators or any member of a school staff who makes a difference in the lives of students.

According to school officials, students and parents, Mendoza has patience and understands that some students need extra attention.

She helps both students and staff grow into the best versions of themselves they can be.

For example, a shy student didn’t like eating lunch in the school’s cafeteria because of the noise. One day, the student walked into the library and asked Mendoza if it was okay eat there. Since that day, the student comes into the library, not to eat lunch, but to speak to Mendoza. The student is now a confident graduate of Miami Lakes K-8 Center. 

Parents, whose children are enrolled at the school, said they marveled at Mendoza’s work ethics that influence and inspired their kids to do well in class.

“Words cannot describe how appreciative I am to have her as our media specialist,” said Viana Sanchez. “She has impacted my daughters’ lives forever. They love her dearly and she has earned our profound admiration.” 

Sara Cino, also an educator, echoed similar sentiments.

“Ms. Mendoza has been a great influence on both myself as a teacher and my six-year-old daughter,” she said. “She is always there to help me find fun and meaningful resources for my music classes.”

Marlene Garcia said Mendoza also does well in other areas outside the school.

“She is an amazing wife, mother, teacher and friend,” Garcia said. “I am one of those fortunate to have witnessed her in all of these roles. She is the most caring and unselfish person I know.”

For 2015-2016, a total of 16 winners will be chosen by the selection committee to receive cash awards that are split between the individual winner and their school. The national Grand Prize award is $10,000. The top five winners will also be honored at a national awards ceremony.