Miami Lakes Cultural Affairs Committee along with students in the Town’s Adult Painting class are inviting the community to “A Night of Art and Culture” Art Exhibition and Reception at 6 p.m. on Friday, December 9, at Town Hall, 6601 Main Street.The event will feature dozens of artworks created by the students along with live music by guitarist Felipe Carvajal.For more information on the event, or the age 50+ recreation...
The Town of Miami Lakes is celebrating a milestone by surpassing 1,000 followers on Instagram and the number keeps growing.The Town strives to be accessible and accountable to its residents and to achieve this goal, staff has taken extra measures to further develop its transparency and communication.Informing and engaging both the resident and business community through social media has been addressed in the Town’s Strategic Plan as a...

Nelson Rodriguez faces two challengers for Seat One

Government Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Nelson Rodriguez said he decided to run for office for a second time because he wants to continue working on the initiatives, “I have started, such as improving traffic flow throughout the town, keeping our taxes low and protecting property values as well as our quality of life. I am committed to public service and have been a firefighter paramedic for 28 years,” he said.Rodriguez, who has raised $13,931, said some of the issues...
On November 8, residents of North Miami-Dade will vote for a U.S. Senator, county mayor, a state representative and state senator and several judicial candidates during the most anticipated presidential election in U.S. history.Republican U.S. Senator Marco Rubio will face off against former Congressman Patrick Murphy, a Democrat, to represent Florida residents in the Nation’s Capitol.Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez is facing former...

Town awarded M-Dade Parks honor

Government Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Every two years, the Miami-Dade County Parks Department hosts the Great Park Summit (GPS), which showcases innovated planning designs, current trends in the field of planning, and hosts experts from around the country to share ideas and best practices in the fields of parks and recreation.This year, the Town of Miami Lakes was unanimously selected to receive the William Lyman Phillips Award for excellence in park, recreation and conservation...