BGEC's CEA students compete at We the People District event

Government Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The students of the Civic Engagement Academy (CEA) at Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) competed in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools District competition for We the People on January 14.This was the fifth year in a row that BGEC participated in this event. The teachers are proud of the students' hard work and dedication. Special thanks to John Brady, law studies teacher, Ora Harris, civics teacher, Elena Barros, civics teacher, Carlos Perez, history teacher and Mercy Mendez, fifth grade teacher for their hard work and dedication in preparing this elite group of students. Pictured (front, from left) Sebastian Zaldivar, Anthony Vaquer, Alan Munschy, Alberto Cabrejo and Mario Pinera; (back, from left) Jasmine Valle, Alicia Diaz, Susanna Iguanzo, Angie Mesa, Alyssa Pena, Julianne Mooney, Adriana Alvarez, Miranda Cabarga, Emily Flores, Annamarie Vega, Alyssa Hernandez, Gabrielle Heran, Jasmine Grullon, Ellie Acosta, Abigail Vinces, Nicole Remedios, Sophia Inguanzo, Olivia Torre and Alexa Llovet.