Commissioner Bovo supports 154 Street Bridge Park but with a caveat

Government Thursday, June 6, 2019

Miami-Dade County Commissioner Esteban Bovo Jr., is planning to support Miami Lakes’ efforts to build a bridge park over N.W. 154 Street by sponsoring legislation this month to convert the FDOT property to a non-vehicular corridor for pedestrian and bike paths, according to town officials.
The proposal may stymie County Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz’s efforts to place an 1-75 interchange at Miami Lakes Drive, which would create more traffic in Miami Lakes and accommodate the anticipated massive traffic generated by visitors of the new Mega Mall when it opens in 2022.
However, Miami Lakes’ opposition to keep N.W. 170 Street closed could jeopardize the proposed bridge park as town officials indicated that Bovo supports opening up the bridge to alleviate traffic congestion for the city of Hialeah.
At a special meeting last month Miami Lakes’ officials said Bovo may rescind his support for a bridge park if the town fights to keep N.W. 170 Street closed. The commissioner sponsored legislation three years ago which called on FDOT to conduct a traffic study to determine the feasibility of the project.
FDOT gave the county the nod to proceed with its plans for the interchange.
Town Attorney Raul Gastesi said he has been meeting with county and Hialeah officials to discuss opening up both bridges but 154 Street may stay closed for the time being.
“Hialeah is not advocating to opening up N.W. 154 Street,” he said.
But the process of opening up N.W. 170 Street has begun as Gastesi learned Hialeah is pulling permits to build the road west of I-75. No permits have been pulled in Miami Lakes as a portion of the roadway is located within the town’s boundaries.
Gastesi recommended the town should start a dispute process to try to keep the N.W. 170 Street closed.
“One half 170 Street is inside the town’s boundaries,” he said. “If we want to do something about opening up 170 Street, the time to act is now.”
But council members decided to wait and see what the county’s next move is before initiating any action.
“We will revisit 170 Street after the meetings and see what we need to do to protect our residents,” said Councilmember Luis Collazo.
In other Miami Lakes related news:
Miami-Dade County was set to vote on an ordinance to adopt the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) new regulations for land use near airports which could affect Miami Lakes’ plans for future development near Opa-locka Airport.
But during a special meeting last month Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid he received a text that the ordinance for Opa-locka Airport was deferred following the town’s concerns on future development.
According to the ordinance the town may not be allowed to build new residential, hospitals, schools and public buildings near the Purple Zone, which is 2,500 feet exit from the runway.