Levine Cava defeats Cid in county primary

Government By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Wednesday, September 4, 2024

     Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava defeated six opponents in the Aug. 20 primary election, including Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid, to win a second term. 

     County-wide, Levine Cava won 163,668 votes, or 58%; Cid finished second with 23% or 64,996 votes. 

     In his hometown’s seven precincts, Cid won 53% or 2,555 votes; 34% or 1,624 of Miami Lakes ballots went to Levine Cava.

     Cid is term limited and will leave office in November. 

     “I know we didn’t get the results that we wanted last night, but I can’t help but feel grateful and thankful for you, for 65,000, close to 65,000 Miami-Dade residents who instilled their trust in me,” Cid said Aug. 21 in a video on his X social media account. 

     Cid described hearing residents’ concerns.

     “But the dreams and aspirations of all those folks during our campaign who placed them on our shoulders, that’s something that I’ll never forget, and I will continue being the advocate for them as we move forward,” Cid said.