Live remote comments now available for all residents

Government Thursday, March 14, 2019

Miami Lakes has implemented a new innovative technological feature, Live Remote Public Comments. The new feature allows residents to participate in the public comments section of all Town Council meetings and Miami Lakes is the first municipality in the U.S. to offer this technology.
How to access Remote Public Comments:
• Visit the Town’s website
• On the left side of the screen under “Town Council” heading, click on “Council Meetings”
• Once there, scroll down to “Live Remote Public Comments”
• Click on the provided link
• This will link to the “Zoom” program and then users need to follow the instructions to download the program.
• Users will need to provide name and the Miami Lakes IT Department will assist in connecting during the Live Stream meeting.
For more information contact Town Clerk Gina Inguanzo at 305-364-6100.