Miami Lakes Chamber will host attorney Phil Rarick as speaker

Business Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Longtime Miami Lakes attorney Phil Rarick will be the guest speaker for the December 12 Miami Lakes Chamber of Commerce luncheon meeting at Shula’s Hotel on Main Street.
Rarick’s topic is one of special importance for all small business owners: “Asset Protection in a Hostile Legal Environment.”
“Small business owners must try to grow their business in a legal environment where a single lawsuit can severely damage or destroy a small business,” Rarick says. “These owners need to take maximum advantage of Florida laws and sometimes, laws in other states, to protect their business, and protect themselves from personal liability. This means preparing a strong asset protection strategy now – before a legal threat arises,” he adds.
Rarick says the statistics are alarming. More than 60 percent of doctors over the age of 55 have been sued at least once, according to a new survey by the American Medical Association. “Regardless of how good a doctor you are, ultimately, you need to play for such a lawsuit,” he says.
Rarick has been practicing as an estate planning attorney in Miami Lakes for over 25 years and is the founder of the law firm Rarick and Beskin. He is an advocate for helping small business owners grow. He formerly served as counsel with the National Association of Attorneys General.
He is a frequent speaker on estate and asset protection planning. His writings include “Florida Asset Protection: 7 Key Strategies for the Small Business Owners.”
Rarick is past president of the Miami Lakes Bar Association and active in local community events.
Networking starts at 11:30 a.m. and the luncheon is at noon. Reservations are requested by Friday, December 7. For reservations or more information, contact Marta Diaz at 305-556-2212, or email