Safety Appreciation Day honors police, firefighters

Community Wednesday, June 4, 2014


own of Miami Lakes named Sergeant Eduardo Ruesga as the 2014 Officer of the Year, and Captain Nicky Latimore as the 2014 Firefighter of the Year during the Public Safety Committee’s Appreciation Day on May 17 at Roberto Alonso Community Center. The committee organized a BBQ and award presentation to recognize and celebrate the hard work and dedication of public safety officials that serve Miami Lakes.

“It was truly an honor to share this special occasion with our public safety professionals that place their lives at risk every day to serve our residents and help make the Town of Miami Lakes a safe place to live, work and play,” said Mayor Wayne Slaton. “We commend their work and are grateful for their service to the town.”

Ruesga was recognized for his exemplary leadership skills, outstanding dedication to duty, and initiative which has helped make the Town of Miami Lakes a safer neighborhood.

Ruesga is the Commander of the General Investigative Unit (GIU) for the Miami Lakes Police Section and generally handles the duties normally done by 5 to 6 sergeants in a regular District, including auto theft, burglary, persons crimes, crime analysis, administration and street crimes. He also supervises a team of five detectives and helps coordinate the “Best Practices” program within Police Services.

He has been instrumental in putting together several operational plans to help reduce and prevent the incidents of targeted crimes including Grinch Busters Enforcement Initiative, and Halloween Initiative; Burglary details for residences and vehicles; Operation Crime Free; Operation Safe Summer; Enhancement Patrol and Narcotics Grant Detail.

“Whether it is a simple or major situation, he handles them in a proficient and professional manner and responds to scenes regardless of the time, when necessary,” said Police Major Gene Dieppa, who presented the award. “Sergeant Ruesga’s attitude towards his job, police work, and the public is outstanding. He is truly an example of what a real public servant is.”

With a notable career of 21 years of public service, Latimore has continuously excelled in all her assignments since she first began in 1993 when she was hired as a Public Service Aide for the Miami-Dade Police Department. In April 1995, she was promoted to Police Office, and later that same year, she reached her ultimate goal of becoming a Firefighter for Miami-Dade Fire Rescue.

In addition to 19 years of firefighting, Latimore has also been employed as a part-time Police Officer for Virginia Gardens for the last 15 years.

The theme that runs throughout Latimore’s evaluations is that of a dedicated, dependable, meticulous, compassionate, and self-directed Fire Captain. Additionally, her expertise, professionalism, and commitment to the highest standards have been recognized formally as evidenced by numerous commendations and letters of recognition.

“It has been a privilege to have been an instructor for Captain Latimore during her career and I am very proud of her and all that she has accomplished,” said Councilmember Nelson Rodriguez. “Captain Latimore being named Firefighter of the Year is a well-deserved honor.”