Town and state officials break ground on second phase of canal stabilization
Thursday, March 14, 2019
State Senator Manny Diaz Jr., Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid, Councilmember Josh Dieguez and Town Manager Edward Pidermann recently broke ground on the second phase of the town’s Canal Stabilization project which is located on the southern bank of the canal along N.W 170 Street between N.W. 78 Court and 85 Court.
Diaz and House Speaker Jose Olivia (R-Miami Lakes) helped secure the funding for the project which was on the town’s top priority list for 2019.
According to Pidermann, the project has a bid price of $950,284 and a resolution requested enough contract authority to include an approximate 10 percent contingency, in this case $95,716.00.
The total contract authority by resolution is over $1 million.
“Looking forward to seeing our hard fought efforts in Tallahassee provide relief for our residents,” Diaz said.