Town Council holds public workshop on developer req. on June 27

Government Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The public is invited to attend a Town Council Workshop at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27, to discuss notice mailers and Town Hall meetings for new developments. The workshop will be held in Council Chambers at 6601 Main Street.

The workshop will further discuss motions that were unanimously approved at the February and March Council meetings that would enhance notification and public awareness of proposed new developments in the Town. 

At the February meeting, Councilmember Frank Mingo made a motion that would require land developers to host a Town Hall meeting to present their plans to residents in order to obtain feedback prior to coming before the Council for consideration. 

At the March meeting, Councilmember Nelson Rodriguez proposed a modification of the Land Development Code Public Notice mailer requirement to extend the boundary depending on the size and impact of the proposed development project. The Code currently requires notices be mailed to any homeowner within 500 feet of a proposed development. 

At the workshop, residents will have an opportunity to provide input on the topics that the Council will later vote into legislation.