Baptist Health Emergency Center opens in Miami Lakes

Featured By Linda Trischitta, Editor Wednesday, March 5, 2025

  In the photo, celebrating the new Baptist Health Emergency Center at 15200 NW 77th Court in Miami Lakes on March 3, from left: Matthew Casamayor, chair, Economic Development Committee; Council members Ray Garcia, Steven Herzberg and Alex...
  Stephanie Brito, a junior in the Cambridge Academy’s journalism strand at Miami Lakes Educational Center, completed the Summer Academy for Mathematics and Science (SAMS) program at Carnegie Mellon University. This is a rigorous residential summer experience for exceptional students who have a strong interest in math and science. Nearly 900 students apply annually for 70 spots in the program, which focuses on creating interest in...

American honors Ciloe Flores

Education Wednesday, September 3, 2014


On Tuesday, August 19, American Senior High School recognized sophomore Ciloe Flores who earned a perfect score on the FCAT 2.0 Reading. Flores was given a letter and certificate from Governor Rick Scott. From left, Miami-Dade County Chief of Staff Jose Dotres, Flores, and American High School principal Francisco Garnica. 
  New Testament Baptist Church, located at 6601 N.W. 167 Street, presents contemporary Christian vocalist, Phil Wickham in concert on Friday, September 12 at 7:30 p.m. for a night of worship.  The concert will also feature the church's worship band Streetside Manifesto. Doors open at 6:30 and tickets are available online at or through the church's website
  Miami Lakes Congregational Church Concert Series presents a Fall Piano Rectial performed by concert pianist Dr. Adolfo Vidal. The concert with be at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 13, at the church located at 6701 Miami Lakeway South. Vidal will be performing an all-Chopin music piano recital that includes the 12 etudes Op. 25 and three polonaises. Chopin's etudes are some of the most challenging and evocative pieces of all the...
        The Church of the Epiphany will celebrate homecoming and the start of Sunday School with Sneaker Sunday on Thursday, September 11 following the 10:30a.m. Holy Eucharist.   The celebration will include a barbecue after the service with games for children.  Everyone is encouraged to wear sneakers.  Children can compete for the Scruffiest Sneaker Award by wearing their worst sneakers. This event is...