BGEC Bobcat Dancers in end of year recital
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Bob Graham Education Center’s (BGEC) cat Dancers held their end of year dance recital on May 23 at the Barbara Goleman High School auditorium.
During the past year, the Bobcat Dancers, made up of 25 girls from 6 to 8th grades, performed and competed at several local, regional and sate events winning awards along the way.
The theme of the final performance as “Once Upon A Time” with the team performing 29 solo, duet and group dances all set to music and costumes of Disney stories and movies.
The Bobcat Dancers are coached by BGEC teacher Mayri Martinez. The 2918-19 team officers were Cassandra Balmaseda, Kaitlyn Vilches, Sophia and Susanna Inguanzo.