Lakes lawyer Nayib Hassan runs Boston Marathon

Sports By David L. Snelling, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Even the torrential downpour couldn’t stop Nayib Hassan from crossing the finish line at this year’s Boston Marathon.

The Miami Lakes resident was among the 30,000 plus runners who competed under rough weather conditions, as the 500,000 rain-drenched spectators on hand cheered them on during the 26-mile journey.    

The event was a life-long dream of Hassan, who trained for 20 weeks to prepare for the world’s oldest annual marathon, which started in 1897.

The event’s course runs from Hopkinton in southern Middlesex County to Copley Square in Boston on Patriots Day, a state holiday in Massachusetts on the third Monday in April.

The 40-year-old burly criminal defense lawyer said he thought about quitting the race but found the strength from his wife and spectators to cross the finish line in 5 hours and 30 minutes.

“At times I wanted to give up,” he said. “But I couldn’t since this was on my bucket list. It was amazing running in the marathon.”

At the finish line, Hassan was greeted by his wife, his biggest cheerleader, and the crescendo of spectators, who congratulated him for completing the race.

“As soon as I finished, the emotions came out,” he said. “I’m witnessing a finish line in front of me, I believed I can complete something when I put my mind to it, especially in those weather conditions. My wife was there and it was just a great feeling.”

Hassan, who ran in mini marathons in Miami and Orlando, said the spectators from different parts of the world such as France, Canada and Holland, played a role in his effort to finish the race.

He said they handed him cups of beverages during his entire run and shouted words of encouragement. 

Boston’s hospitality, Hassan said, left a lasting impression on him.

“Boston caters to the runners, at the airport terminals and the race, so many people showing love,” he said. “It was nice running into a lot of people along the way. During the race, there were people every step of the way screaming at you to finish the race. The whole town of Boston was great and the race can’t compare to any other race I’ve run in.”

Hassan commenced running in marathons since 2006, including the Miami Mini Marathon and Disney Mini Marathon.

In Miami, the longest race was running from Key Biscayne to Coconut Grove, which is about 12 miles.

But the Boston Marathon is the “Granddaddy” of all marathons and Hassan made it a goal to compete in New England’s most widely viewed sporing event.  

After he was invited to compete in the race, he trained in Miami Lakes, where he ran about 50 miles a week.

Hassan, who has an affinity for weight lifting, said he lost 20 pounds to give him a better shot at competing, engaging in better eating habits and cycling.

He had to meet certain qualifying standards before the race including completing a standard marathon course 18 months prior to the date of the Boston Marathon.

“Lifting weights is quite the opposite because I had to lose weight,” he said. “When you shed weight, lighter individuals run well.”

Hassan said he still plans to run in the Miami Mini Marathon every two to three years and his triathlon days are not over yet.

“I’ve kept very active since 2006,” he said. “

He said he would run in the Boston Marathon again if he’s invited to do so.

“If the opportunity presents itself again, I would do it all over again,” he said.