Two Miami Lakes teens win 2017 Open Badminton medals*

Sports By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Monday, March 13, 2017

Miami Lakes teens, Alyssa Moore and Nicole Calles represented Club Shula at the 2017 Open Badminton tournament recently held at the University of Miami. They brought home novice titles for their abilities.  

The high school sophomores, Moore a student at Barbara Goleman Senior High, and Calles, a student at Archbishop McCarthy High, entered the tournament in Women’s Doubles and defeated other competing high school students, college students, and adults to capture first place in doubles and medals in singles – Moore in first place and Calles in second. 

Moore is part of her high school’s badminton team and came in second place for the Girl’s Doubles at the Greater Miami Athletic Conference in 2016. Calles participated in her first badminton tournament at the Florida’s Sunshine Golden States where she came in first for Women’s Doubles. 

“Even though this sport isn’t as popular as many sports in Florida, there is a strong movement building up at the moment and I would love to be a part of that,” said Calles. “I hope to participate in future Florida tournaments.”

Despite the lack of scholarship opportunities for badminton, Moore said she plans to continue playing recreationally beyond high school.  

“I have had a great experience with Club Shula’s badminton as the people that attend are very friendly and great players that push me to become a better player myself,” said Moore.

It was Calles idea to enter the 2017 Open Badminton tournament with Moore as a team. 

“I asked Alyssa to join me in the competition because I had faith that we would go far as a team,” said Calles. “Shula’s Badminton Club is an amazing opportunity for young people to make friends, work out and be healthy. Overall, I wouldn’t trade spending any of my Sundays in any other place than Shula’s badminton courts.”