This exercise is subtle but has terrific benefits.
Called “reverse dead bug,” it is a core exercise that can be performed by beginners to elite level athletes.
It’s so simple that any one of any age can accomplish it and receive amazing results.
An isometric movement, the reverse dead bug targets your entire abdominal wall and hip flexors, along with other important muscle groups such as those in your shoulders (stabilizers), hips, chest and back of the upper arms (triceps).
Performing this static hold, you will be able to strengthen your core on your time.
1. Begin on your hands and knees with your back parallel to the floor. You can place a mat beneath your knees. During the exercise, push down through your hands at all times.
2. While balancing on your toes, lift both knees 1 to 2 inches off the ground, keeping your knees bent at 90 degrees.
3. Contract your belly button toward your spine.
4. Make sure your knees remain just under your hips, not closer or farther.
5. A fun challenge is to hold the position for 10 seconds, rest for 20 seconds and repeat during 4 minutes.
I hope you can implement this in your next workout!
Disclaimer: Do not begin any physical activity described in this column without prior approval from your health care provider.
The “Reverse Dead Bug” exercise is demonstrated by Merly Matheus, a client at Caution CrossFit in Miami Lakes. Photos: Megan Jacobo, The Miami Laker.