Shula's Steak 2 server saves life

Business Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Gabriela Blanca Jorge, a veteran server at Shula’s Steak 2 restaurant on Main Street, rushed into action on June 13 to help save a life. During lunch, one of the guests dashed into the service station apparently choking and in distress. Jorge was the first to see her in a frantic state, eyes bulging and turning blue. She recognized what was happening and immediately went behind her to apply the Heimlich maneuver. The first two attempts were...
Miami Lakes Elderly Affairs and Veterans committees are hosting a workshop with Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser Pedro J. Garcia at 11 a.m. on Monday, July 15, to discuss topics including Homestead Exemption and additional benefits available for qualified properties for Miami Lakes residents.Having worked in the Florida real estate industry wince 1970, Garcia, a veteran of the U.S. Army and member of American Legion Post 0346, was the...

Dr. Michael White opens new chiropractic practice in Miami Lakes

Business By Megan Medina, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Dr. Michael White has been a chiropractic physician for 15 years but never owned his own practice, until May 11. Having his own practice was always a goal of Dr. White’s and when the right opportunity came he took it. His Chiropractic and Rehabilitation facility is located at 14645 N.W. 77 Avenue in Miami Lakes. White didn’t always know he wanted to become a chiropractor until he was involved in a serious head-on collision. Due to this...
Miami Lakes Branch Library announced the following programs that are available for the public during June and early July:For Children and Families:Movies and Stories for Kids – Watch favorite movies with family and friends. Movies being shown this month are “Ratchet & Clank” (PG), “Turbo” (PG), and “Spider Man into the Spider-verse (PG). Events made possible by the Town of Miami Lakes Education Advisory Board at 3 p.m. on Wednesdays, June 19,...
The Graham Companies’ Construction Department held its first “Swing for Charity” golf tournament on May 23 at Shula’s Golf Club. With over 103 golfers, the tournament raised over $40,000. Which will benefit Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami, the selected charity for this year’s event.The Florida Lemark + Sunbelt Rental team won the tournament and the prized trophy which will be passed down to the following year’s winner, much like the...