Jingle Bell Jog scheduled December 7

Community Wednesday, October 16, 2013

  The Voice of Love Training and Development, in partnership with The Children’s Trust, is hosting its annual Cross Country Jingle Bell Job 5K at 8 a.m. on Saturday, December 7. The race will be held at Shula’s Golf Club Par 3 Executive Course, 7601 Miami Lakes Drive, just east of the Palmetto Expressway. Preregistration is $25, and $30 on the day of the race. Families are invited to participate. There will be...

HML Senior High Sponsors College Fair Forum Nights

Education Wednesday, October 16, 2013

  Over 40 colleges and universities were represented at HialeahMiami Lakes High School's (HML) College Fair held on October 9. The event proved to be a huge success with over 250 students and invested parents attending. Attendees were able to receive post-secondary education information and begin planning for the future. The next college oriented event at HML is scheduled for Wednesday, October 16 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The College...

MLEC graduate receives National SECME scholarship

Education Wednesday, October 16, 2013

  Miami-Dade County School Board Chair Perla Tabares Hantman, joined by Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, leads students, teachers, parents and community leaders in “International Walk to School Day” on October 8 at Ernest R Graham K-8 Center. The international program promotes pedestrian safety education, safe walking skills, as well as walking as an exercise for good health and physical fitness. 

BGEC students abstain from technology for the weekend

Education Wednesday, October 16, 2013

  The students of Bob Graham Education Center fell off the cyber grid for a weekend to better understand what Henry David Thoreau, author and philosopher of the 1800's, experienced when he separated himself from society for two years, two months and two days in the woods, a time he penned in his novel Walden. The students completed the 63 hour-long fast that began Friday, September 20 at 5 p.m., and ended on Sunday, September 22, for a...

Pace Homecoming: The greatest time of the year!

Education By Maya Lora, Special to The Miami Laker Wednesday, October 16, 2013

  Homecoming week at Pace High School is one of the most important and exciting events of the entire school year. It is a time where every student can show off their Spartan pride and participate in a plethora of events. During this very special week, the entire school rises to cheer our amazing football team in all of their victorious feats, specifically the Friday night Homecoming game. Getting together on the bleachers as the team...