Local churches participate in Crop Walk to provide hunger relief

Religious Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Hunger is still a problem but on Sunday, February 23, the Miami Lakes Congregational Church and other local churches invite the community to join them in the walk against hunger known as the Crop Walk.

The event will begin at 12:30 p.m. at Miami Lakes Congregational Church located at 6701 Miami Lakeway South for the 18th Annual Crop Walk. On this day local churches gather to celebrate the vision and bountiful world that God created with "enough for all." In just one day, 30,000 die of hunger.

For the walk against hunger event, a service will be held followed by a walk taken by church and community members who have made pledges to fight against hunger. To pledge or participate in walking, contact Elliot Auerhan at 954-260-2093.

A quarter of the funds raised from registration fees go to local hunger relief programs and the remainder is given to Church World Service, which sponsors the event and supports hunger relief worldwide. The local hunger relief will go toward families through the ministry of the Family Life Center at St. Andrews Lutheran Church.