Mater Academy's FBLA chapter aids March of Dimes

Education Sunday, December 28, 2014

  Members of the Mater Academy Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Chapter joined forces with the March of Dimes to promote awareness of premature births and raise funds for the organization this holiday season. The students hosted “Adopt A Baby,” a fundraiser that took place on Sunday, December 7, at Westland Mall in Hialeah. Chairman Elanny Lago stated, “It is very important to let people know what the March of...
  James Parker, principal of Miami Lakes Educational Center (MLEC), was chosen as this year's Principal of the Year for the North Region of Miami-Dade County Public Schools. A group of judges visited the school and interviewed students, faculty and staff. The team also visited and interviewed six outstanding principals from throughout the region before selecting Parker. He is now a finalist for District Principal of the Year. In a...
  Miami Lakes K-8 Center presented the annual holiday show organized by the fifth grade PTSA Committee members and led by music teacher Sara Cino and PTSA chair Grace Alvarez. “A Bear-y Merry Holiday” show was held in the auditorium of Barbara Goleman High School on December 4 with the participation of Pre-K, kindergarten, elementary and middle school chorus, Salsa Club, French club, and school cheerleaders. 
  A group of 40 students from Bob Graham Education Center's National Jr. Honor Society Club and Student Council participated in National Homeless Awareness Day on November 6. Miami-Dade County's Homeless Trust program provided students with cardboards and T-shirts. Students passed out cards with a Homeless Helpline phone number to parents and other community members. Club members were holding the cardboards as cars passed by, hoping to...

BGEC holds Bobcat Bowl

Education Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Bob Graham Education Center held its annual flag football tournament, the Bobcat Bowl, on the day before Thanksgiving weekend. The BobCat Dance Team performed for the middle school students during the event.