MLEC hosts State School Board Meeting

Education By Karina Padron and Alejandro Mendoza, Special to The Laker Friday, February 14, 2014

  On January 21, the atmosphere buzzed as local and state educators poured into Miami Lakes Educational Center's auditorium.  The Florida Board of Education convened to discuss the renaming and revamping of the Common Core, hosted by board members Gary Chartrand, John R. Padget, Ada G. Armas and the newest board member, Rebecca Fishman Lipsey. Also sitting in on the board was Pam Stewart, the Florida Commissioner of Education. On...
  The Florida State Board of Education honored Miami-Dade Public Schools Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho as “Superintendent of the Year” during a meeting at Miami Lakes Educational Center on January 21. Carvalho was recognized for remarkable gains in student achievement. Miami-Dade placed among the highest-achieving school districts nationally in 4th and 8th grade reading and mathematics on the National Assessment for...
  American Senior High School hosted a pep rally to kick off  "Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida!" on Monday, January 14. Joined by Miami-Dade County Public School Board Chair Perla Tabares Hantman, Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, senior state Cabinet members, and Florida’s First Lady Ann Scott, the state’s  Department of Education opened the week long festivities at American.  Surrounded by the band,...
  Lawton Chiles Middle School, with the assistance of the Miami-Dade Public Schools (M-DCPS) North Regional Office, began offering the only accelerated science program the county that assists fifth grade students in receiving a middle school science credit. The participants consist of 15 students from Palm Spring North Elementary and 15 students from Spanish Lakes Elementary.  Lawton Chiles worked very closely with these two...
  Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) was named the College Board Advanced Placement Equity and Excellence District of the Year for being the nation's number one leader, among large school districts, in expanding access to Advanced Placement Program (AP) courses and improving AP Exam performance. M-DCPS offers students a combination of 32 AP courses among 51 high schools to prepare them for postsecondary education and maximize...