Teen earns high school, college degrees

Education Thursday, July 16, 2020

Angel Armesto, 17, of Miami Lakes is a young man in a hurry. He graduated from Archbishop McCarthy High School in Southwest Ranches and also earned an Associate in Arts degree in public administration from Miami Dade College, through the dual enrollment program. Angel is in the Boy Scouts, Troop 566 and is a Sea Scout in Ship 144. He plans to attend Florida International University this fall to study international finance,...

HML graduate is a Carnival Foundation scholar

Education By David Snelling, Reporter Thursday, July 16, 2020

At a young age, Darwin Perez has already learned many important life lessons, among them that perseverance and guidance from good mentors will help him overcome adversity. Perez, 18, graduated from Hialeah-Miami Lakes Senior High and is one of 16 students to win a fully prepaid college scholarship from the Carnival Foundation. His journey to scholastic success began in the Overtown neighborhood of Miami, where he attended the Paul...

School district discusses reopening plans

Education By Megan Jacobo, Reporter Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The school board of Miami-Dade County approved reopening plans Wednesday during a virtual meeting. Parents are offered a choice between sending their children back to school or continue learning from home in 2020 - 2021.Classes will resume Aug. 24, though many practical decisions have yet to be made, officials said, as the public health crisis surrounding the coronavirus outbreak continues.“The greatest challenge is unpredictability,”...

Local wrestlers sign with St. Thomas University

Education Wednesday, July 1, 2020

St. Thomas University signed several athletes for its inaugural wrestling team, including Barbara Goleman Senior High’s Maximo Fernandez and Mater Lakes Academy’s Reynaldo Rivera. Fernandez plans to enroll in the school’s sports administration program. Rivera plans to study nursing. St. Thomas coach Jake Patacsil announced both signings in recent weeks. Rivera was a district finalist as a sophomore and junior, and as a senior...

Goleman student wins United Way’s Outstanding Youth Award

Education By Linda Trischitta, Editor Wednesday, July 1, 2020

When Christa Curry was very young, her mother worried that her only child might grow up to be spoiled or entitled. Instead, Christa, 16, who will be a junior at Barbara Goleman Senior High School in the fall, has grown up to become a selfless young lady. The United Way of Miami-Dade recognized the Miami Gardens teen with its Outstanding Youth Award, for “enhancing the quality of life for many homeless women and their children, by...