The Town of Miami Lakes is hosting a Town Hall meeting to discuss the possibility of opening up bridges at N.W. 170 Street in Hialeah and N.W. 154 Street (Miami Lakes Drive) in Miami Lakes.The meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19 at 6:30 at Town Hall, 6601 Main Street, was called following residents’ concerns over the projects causing more traffic problems from motorists in Miami Lakes and Palm Springs North.In February,...
Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid announced the Mayor’s office will now be open on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Town Hall, 6601 Main Street.  “I made a promise several months ago to Miami Lakes residents that I would open Town Hall on Saturdays to listen to the people” Cid said. “This is just one step of many to bring more accessibility to Town Hall, and to ensure that all Miami...
Miami-Dade County is getting smart about managing mobility and it all starts with a plan. The Strategic Miami Area Rapid Transit Plan – also known as the SMART plan – has been set in motion and will transform transportation in the county.The SMART Plan was officially adopted and endorsed in 2016 by the Miami-Dade MPO Governing Board. It brings together the county’s Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW),...
Construction for a roadway project to connect N.W. 67 Avenue (Ludlam Road) to the Gratigny Expressway and improve the traffic flow in Miami Lakes could commence late next year or in early 2019, according to Mayor Manny Cid.Cid said he attended the county’s Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Fiscal Priorities Committee meeting last week and was able to convince the organization to move the connector plan ahead after putting it on...

Town seeks hosts for networking events

Business Monday, March 13, 2017

In response to the recent business community survey, Miami Lakes Economic Development Committee realizes the necessity for after-hours networking events for the Town’s ambitious professionals.The committee is urging the local restaurant community to host these future events to be held on a weekday between 6 and 8 p.m. with the intent of bringing the business community together for networking opportunities and to market their...