Miami Lakes Public Safety Committee is teaming up with Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Station 64 to encourage everyone who didn’t change the batteries in their smoke detectors when they “fell back” to Daylight Savings Time last Sunday to do so now. Residents are urged to make a habit of changing the batteries in smoke detectors at least twice a year - at the beginning and end of Daylight Savings Time. If smoke alarms are...
  Bauer Financial, the nation’s leading independent bank and credit union rating and research firm, has awarded JetStream Federal Credit Union their 5-Star rating for strength and stability for 100 consecutive quarters. Fewer than 4 percent of the nation’s credit unions have earned Bauer’s top rating for 25 straight years. “We have officially made our mark in the event more exclusive category of Exceptional...

Council considers rezoning, accepting park donation

Community By The Miami Laker staff Thursday, November 5, 2015

  As the town of Miami Lakes lacks money to convert a golf course to a passive park, a development agreement for a residential development site gives residents their best chance for an open green space nature area. At the November 3 regular meeting, council members were expected to discuss and vote on a resolution to accept a dedication of 5.19 acres of the historic landmark Madden’s Hammock, located at Miami Lakes Drive and N.W....

Town's Veteran's Day Parade steps off Nov. 8

Community Wednesday, November 4, 2015

  Town resident Gary E. Cardenas, Commander of American Legion Post 144-Miami Lakes, has been named the Grand Marshal for the 36th annual Miami Lakes Veterans’ Day Parade which steps off at 10 a.m. on Sunday, November 8. Cardenas volunteered for service in the U.S. Army in 1964. He served in various capacities while in Germany and at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, namely as Training and Operations NCO, Forward Air Controller, and...

We Get Letters: Resident thanks police, fire rescue for help

Community By Magda Peña, Special to The Miami Laker Wednesday, November 4, 2015

  To the Editor: On Monday, October 5, my daughter and I were struck by a car while crossing the street. Miami Lakes Police and Station 1 Fire Rescue came to our rescue as well as a Publix employee, a good samaritan. I would like to thank them all for their kindness and for helping my daughter and myself that day.  People have criticized the police, fire rescue, the community and our service aides recently, and it’s time that...