Town launches 'Keep it Clean, Keep it Green' campaign

Government Friday, May 20, 2016

As part of the “I Heart Miami Lakes: Take Pride in Your Community” campaign, the Town’s Neighborhood Improvement Committee (NIC) has launched an anti-litter initiative.
The new anti-litter signs have been placed on various trash cans in the Town’s parks to encourage residents to “Keep it Clean, Keep it Green.”

The campaign was proposed by Councilmember Tony Lama who said, “I’d like to thank the NIC for taking on this initiative. The ‘I Heart Miami Lakes’ campaign aims to motivate residents to help in the effort to keep Miami Lakes growing beautifully.

“To be successful, it will require each and every one of us to take responsibility and do the ‘little things’ that will make a difference in our Town today and for the future,” he added.

The NIC is encouraging neighbors, local officials, service clubs, businesses and religious organizations to play a role in fostering strong civic pride. Simple tasks like sweeping sidewalks, picking up trash and encouraging others to keep their neighborhood and homes clean and in good repair will all make a difference.

For more information on how to get involved, visit