Ribbon Cutting: Venture X

Featured By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Wednesday, February 19, 2025

      The new Venture X Miami Lakes shared workspace firm celebrated with a ribbon cutting party on Feb. 12. Fanfare included music performances, cocktails and a crowd of visitors. “This is a great concept for a startup, new...

HML Trojan Band wins 'Best in Class' at recent regional competition

Education By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, November 19, 2014

  Hialeah Miami Lakes' Trojan Marching Band took home Best in Class for Visual and General Effect, and was the Class 1A Champion in the regional competition, Flanagan Falcon Sound Invitational, that took place at Flanagan High School on October 11. This was the first time in nearly 10 years that HML has taken home first place for this competition. In recent years the band has improved from 6th place in 2012 to 2nd place last year and...
    Miami Lakes Cultural Affairs Committee is hosting the 14th annual Children’s Holiday Storytelling at 2 p.m. on Sunday, December 7, at the Main Street Playhouse, 6766 Main Street. The holiday event is free and attendees will receive books donated by Janet Marti, director at Inspired 2 Think, and a member of the Town’s Education Advisory Board. Miami Lakes residents with children under the age of 5 will have an...

Pace High uses Just.Ice.Coffee for aid to Haiti

Education By Rene D. Basulto, Special to The Miami Laker Wednesday, November 19, 2014

  Pace High School and its Campus Minister, Andres Novela, have worked tirelessly for years to give back to Pace’s Haitian sister schools, Moulin and Pewou, through fundraisers and missions to Haiti. Last year, Pace Campus Ministry started the school’s first-ever coffee shop to sell “just.ice.coffee,” a new way to raise money and awareness for this cause. The iced coffee is more than just a simple fundraiser; it...
  Rather than solely using technology to be engrossed in cyberspace activity, Jose Marti MAST 6-12 Academy is utilizing technology to foster connectivity and exploration among the natural world outside the classroom walls.  The Green Club at Jose Marti MAST 6-12 Academy, a STEM focused magnet school, has planted an arboretum with 38 species of trees, shrubs, and grasses native to South Florida. To help students in both middle and...

Miami Lakes Fencing Club hosts tournament schedule

Sports Wednesday, November 19, 2014

  On Sunday, October 26, the Miami Lakes Fencing Club hosted a tournament at the Roberto Alonso Community Center. Approximately 75 local and international fencers were in attendance competing across six events. The club holds its next tournament on Sunday December 14. The club is currently meeting at the Miami Lakes Methodist Church. Medal winners were (from left) Fernando Carrillo, Charles Ball, Joseph Harrington, and Anthony McArthur.