Alexis Garcia successfully completes 'Across Cuba' run

Community Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Cuban native Alexis Garcia recently competed his Run Across Cuba marathon, a 1,000-mile run from Punta de Maisi to Cabo de San Antonio in 35 days to help raise money to buy kids shoes in his poverty-stricken homeland.

The Miami Lakes resident and physical education teacher at Miami Lakes K-8 Center raised money through the Dreamchaser Foundation, and parents dropped off more than 60 pair of sneakers at the school as part of the fund-raiser.

Garcia, 53, ran 30 miles per day to reach his goal, as he reflected on his 55-hour experience to come to the United States on a make-surf boat 23 years ago but never forgotten where he came from or his roots.

“I want to raise as much money as I can to buy running sneakers for as many Cuban children as possible, hopefully all of them,” he said. “I know from real life experience anything is possible. I want to show every child in Cuba dreams really can come true.”