Beatriz-Ambas-Viada honored as MLEC's Teacher of the Year

Education By Stephanie Brito, Special to The Miami Laker Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Miami Lakes Educational Center’s (MLEC) 2014-15 Teacher of the Year is Beatriz Ambas-Viada. As the school’s Test Chair and the Teacher Advisor for Key Club, one of MLEC’s largest clubs, Ambas-Viada does more for the school than just teach mathematics.

As Test Chair, Ambas-Viada tends to scheduling and testing accommodations to ensure that every student can have the best testing experience possible. This role encompasses all spheres of testing: FCAT, PSAT, AP, PERT, EOC and other exams. Her role as Test Chair is crucial to student graduation and future success.

 “Mrs. Ambas is inspiring because she always tries to do her best in all the things that come her way and she always tries to find solutions for all the rocks that stumble across her path,” said Susana Shih, Key Club president. “I can honestly say that I am blessed that she is our Key Club advisor because without all of her knowledge, passion, and dedication I wouldn’t be as interested in Key Club and service as I am today.”

Ambas-Viada leads the school’s Key Club, a club for community service with over 100 members. She inspires students to give back to the community through events she coordinates which aid an array of issues.

“Under her guidance, Key Club members have achieved great things, designing projects to feed the homeless, comfort disadvantaged children and help save the environment,” said MLEC principal James Parker. “Each year she finds the time to take her group to district and state conventions where they continue to give back and to be recognized for their efforts. In short, Mrs. Viada does so much more than teach. She inspires and motivates, fostering a sense of team work, confidence, critical thinking, and great work ethic.”

Ambas-Viada has also earned the Chamber of Commerce award, Beyond the Bell, for her work in and outside the classroom. 

“MLEC’s staff elected Mrs. Viada our Teacher of the Year because she is an amazing teacher; but also because she is an outstanding human being and professional who puts an Herculean effort into everything that she does, from teaching, to sponsoring clubs, to planning testing schedules, training teachers, to offering a helping hand,” said Parker.