Christmas message from Christ the Saviour Orthodox Cathedral

Religious Thursday, December 15, 2016

By Rev. Fr. Joseph Lucas

Christ the Saviour Orthodox Cathedral 

“O Christ our God, your Nativity has shone to the world the light of wisdom. For by it, those who worshiped the stars were taught by a star to adore you, the Sun of Righteousness; and to know you, the Morning Star on High. O Lord, glory to you.” (Orthodox Hymn of Christmas). 

This ancient song, traditionally chanted every Christmas at Orthodox Church services, leads us into a deep mystery. For the early Christians, the historical events surrounding the birth of Jesus revealed the truth concerning the cosmos. The astronomers of Persia (known as Magi) were looking to the night sky for signs. And it was precisely from that midnight clear that a star appeared, beckoning them to Bethlehem. God's creation became their guide; but it also became their teacher. In a dark cave, three wise men discovered the source of all wisdom: The eternal Son of God who had become man. Greater than any created light, he is both the gentle “Morning Star on High” (Luke 1:78) and the brilliant “Sun of Righteousness” (Malachi 4:2).   

In the midst of the winter, when the days have grown short, the whole world is suddenly illuminated by Christ. God has become man so that we may share in this light, which is his peace and love. As we experience this blessed season, may we open our hearts to him, giving shelter to the babe in the depths of our soul so that the darkness is expelled. Christ is born, let us glorify him!