Faith leaders share messages for the holiday season

Religious By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Tuesday, December 20, 2022



Christ the Savior Orthodox Cathedral

Father Joseph Lucas, Ph. D.

     The early Christian Church did not establish the observance of Christmas based on any pagan feast. Rather, they counted nine months forward from the (much older) feast of Annunciation on March 25, which marked the conception of Jesus in the womb of the Virgin Mary. 

     The connection of Christmas to the Annunciation, although often lost on modern Christians, is something rather profound.  It links Christ’s hidden entrance into the world (in the womb of Mary) to his public entrance via his birth in Bethlehem.

      In the former, only the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin; in the latter, an army of angels proclaimed his glory. The former was hidden from all, while the latter was proclaimed from the heights.  Both of these realities describe our relationship to God.  

     On the one hand, the life of a believer is something hidden in Christ, reflected in the personal interaction between the soul and the Maker. This is what is meant when Jesus says, “when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret” (Matt 6:6). 

     But on the other hand, Jesus tells his disciples, “Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house” (Matt 5:15). 

     This tension between the inner spiritual life and the public virtue expected of a Christian is a reflection of the mysterious Lord who makes himself known on Christmas Day.

     It may seem that God is hidden from us, that he remains aloof. This is necessary so that our freedom may be preserved.  But for those who invite the Lord to be born in their hearts, they shall hear within their hearts the divine proclamation: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill among men” (Luke 2:14).  

     May the blessing of the incarnate Lord be with all of you, and may the song of the angelic hosts summon joy throughout our land.

Church of the Epiphany 

By Rev. Ann Goraczko 

The Work of Christmas

When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock,

The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry, To release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations, To bring peace among people,

To make music in the heart.

By Howard Thurman, “The Mood of Christmas & Other Celebrations”

The Church of the Epiphany (Episcopal) welcomes you!  We are a multicultural community from Africa, the United States, the Caribbean, England and Latin America. 

     We worship God every day and celebrate the Holy Eucharist every Sunday. Come join us and experience the Holy Spirit as we worship together. May you be blessed by our friendship in Christ and witness the work of God among us. 

     We invite you to join us on Saturday, Dec. 24 at 10:30 p.m. for our Christmas Eve Choral and Candlelight Service, or on Sunday, Dec. 25 for our Bilingual Christmas Day Service at 11 a.m. May the peace of the Lord be always with you!

Fulfilled Life Church 

By Pastor David Sablan 

The Greatest Gift

     God says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.  Every day of your life was written in my book before one of them came to be.” 

     He says, “I know the plans I have for you, they are plans for good and not disaster, to give you hope and a future.”  

     However, there is a problem. The Bible says our sins have separated us from God and the outcome of sin in our lives is death.  

     So how do we solve the problem of separation from God and death that is caused by sin?  

     God sent His Son, Jesus, to live a perfect life on earth, to become the sacrifice that paid for our sins, and to bring us into a relationship with God.    

     When we trust God to save us through the gift of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, God takes us into His family as His children. Our relationship with God begins immediately! 

     And, when we conclude our life on earth, we can look forward to an eternal life with God in heaven.     

     THIS is the true meaning of Christmas, and certainly, the greatest Christmas gift we can receive! 


Islamic Center of Greater Miami 

Dr. Abdul Hameed Samra

     We would like to wish every citizen of Miami Lakes a most peaceful, joyous and prosperous holiday season!

Miami Lakes Congregational Church

By Rev. Dr. Daniel Medina 

A Christmas Reflection

     Consider celebrating Christmas in a fashion that will form new spiritual habits. 

     Habits of the heart encourage us to celebrate the source of the season every day of the year. 

     Every December 26, I am saddened seeing trees stripped of décor and tossed to curbs. Christmas isn’t disposable. 

     So many give gifts but retain their sadness, regret, shame, anger and insecurities. 

     With God’s help and favor, we must defeat the darkness within each of us if we are ever to confront the darkness outside of us. 

     Christmastime is a season of heartfelt reflection, prayer, and a commitment to deepening our spiritual practices of empathy, generosity and peace. 

     It is a sobering time to acknowledge the historical reality that Jesus did live among us. 

     We can all surely agree that living a bit more like Jesus goes a long way to awakening each of the better angels within us who can help us to do a lot more loving. 

      The challenge for us all is to make God visible so others can see divinity through us daily. This is how the Spirit of Christmas is taken to others to see and hear how God is truly with us - even now.

Miami Lakes United Methodist Church

By Pastor Alex Christian 

     This year experience Christmas by revisiting the Christmas story through the people who are looking for God in different ways.   

      Through their stories we find God is with us. Zechariah and Elizabeth show us when we struggle because of our past experiences, God continues to move in our lives in new ways. 

     It is never too late to change our life story. Mary and Joseph show us when our plans change and we face the unknown, we can trust God. 

     God does miracles. We can do more than we ever imagined possible. God gives us confidence to go to new places, adding a new chapter to our life story. 

     The Shepherds show us we can all have a new beginning. Jesus came to give every person new life with God and each other.  

     This is for us to receive and share every season, helping people find hope, love, joy, and peace, making a difference in all our lives This is the story you are invited to experience, live into and share in a new way every year. 

     What will your Christmas story be this year? Join us on Dec. 24 at 7 p.m.

Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church 

By Rev. Flavio Montes, Parish Administrator

     Dear Friends in Christ,

     During this time of the year, people of all creeds celebrate the joy of their respective commemorations and festivities. It is a time to celebrate!

     For Christians, the season of Christmas is one that invites us all to open our hearts to receive the grace of Christ himself, since He is the reason for the season!  

    This is a season of light, because Christ is the light of the world which dispels darkness and evil. A season for reconciliation, for he brings us forgiveness. A season of joy because he dissipates from us our fears and anxieties. A time of peace favorable for dialogue, a time of joy for true happiness comes from him.

     Let us haste to meet him in the midst of our struggles and blessings, along with shepherds allowing ourselves to be surprised by his love that makes all things anew. 

     Just as the shepherds were led to a humble stable in Bethlehem to worship the infant Jesus, so have we been led to be together at this time and in this part of south Florida to sing with the angels: “Glory to God in the highest and peace to all people on earth!” 

     I hope that God’s presence will be made known to you not only today but every day.

     Merry Christmas! 

     On behalf of us, the priests of Our Lady of the Lakes church and school staff, I sincerely hope that the remembrance of Christ’s birth brings you much peace and hope.