Faith leaders share messages of peace at Christmas

Religious By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Fr. Joseph Lucas, Ph.D.  Christ the Saviour Orthodox Cathedral

     In the famous carol “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,” we hear the true meaning of Christmas: Jesus Christ was born “to save us all from satan’s power when we were gone astray.” 

     The Holy Scriptures describe our human condition as bondage to death, sin and the devil. But out of his great love for us, God became man in order to set us free.  Heaven met earth that earth may be lifted up to heaven.  As we prepare to meet the newborn King on Christmas day, let us strive to embody his endless love in all our thoughts, words, and deeds.

Pastor David Sablan Fulfilled Life Church

     MERRY CHRISTMAS! Christmas is a time of great joy!  But in all the hectic rushing around amidst the glitz and glimmer, it’s easy to miss the real meaning of Christmas.  What makes Christmas so special is that Jesus Christ, the One who made all things that exist, left the glory and splendor of heaven to be born as a human being. His purpose was to point people to His Father and to make a relationship with God possible by paying for the sins of mankind. Would you like to know God? Just ask Him to come into your heart.  

Danny Ghannoum, M.D.  Member, Islamic Center of Greater Miami

I offer heartfelt prayers and blessings to our community during this joyous holiday season.  May the spirit of unity and compassion prevail, bringing peace to every heart. In the midst of joy, may we remember those who endure hardship and loss, praying for peace to prevail in their lives. 

May our actions mirror the teachings of kindness and generosity, extending empathy to those affected by conflict. May the spirit of unity guide us toward advocating for justice and working towards a world where all can experience the blessings of peace. 

Wishing everyone a harmonious and blessed holiday, marked by solidarity and the warmth of community.

Rev. Dr. Daniel Medina Miami Lakes Congregational Church

     A Prayer for Noel 

     This is a season of light, life, and peace. 

     A season where a message of goodwill is proclaimed.

     A time for better angels to sing.

     A time for hearts to open and minds to forgive.

     A time for warming the cold places that we have not inhabited within ourselves.

     Dickens wrote that at this time of the year, Jacob Marley suffered the most.

     Many on earth continue to do so.

     On this day let us all live into the hope, ideals and graces of Christmas – Then we shall all be able to keep Christmas for others and ourselves, too. Amen.

 Pastor Alex Christian Miami Lakes United Methodist Church

     Jesus is the Light of our world. When we look for Jesus and follow him our world becomes brighter.   

     The Light shines into our lives and all around us. We find hope in the darkest places. God’s love breaks through our lives. Jesus brings us together in God’s family. We find joy and peace with the Son, a new day dawning. 

     We bring the Light of Christmas wherever we are with people. Let Jesus brighten your world. 

     Join us on Sundays at 10 a.m., Christmas Eve at 7 p.m., and Dec. 20 at 7 p.m. for comfort, healing, and prayer.

Father Ivan M.  Rodriguez  Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church

     Christmas is one of the most cherished times of the year!  

     Throughout the world people anticipate its celebration with colorful festivities that take on varied expressions in different cultures. 

     It is a time in which the beautiful sounds of carols soothe our ears and hearts.

     It is a time in which our eyes are mesmerized by delightful decorations and the gleam of twinkling lights.   

     It is a time in which all kinds of gifts are generously and joyfully exchanged.  

     It is a time of beauty, unity and hope.

     For Christians, the spirit of this time is particularly understandable since Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

     Christians believe that Jesus, the Word through whom all good things were made, took on flesh and came into the world to reveal the fullness of beauty, unity and hope which is always in our midst, but which our eyes are often clouded from seeing. 

     Jesus came to shed light on the goodness of our existence. 

     Consequently, Jesus is regarded as the light of the world!

     May the reality of Christmas therefore serve us well! 

      As the light in the afternoon sky grows day by day beyond Christmas, may the light of our vision also grow so we may all the more cherish the beauty, unity and hope we is already ours and allow the spirit of this time to enhance it.  

      To people of all creeds, countries and cultures here in our local community, may this Christmas be for you, your loved ones and us all a time of great light – a time to celebrate the blessings which are uniquely ours!