Joy to the World

Religious By Pastor Al Pino, Special to The Miami Laker Friday, December 18, 2015


Some of my favorite TV programs begin with the end and then spend the entire episode explaining how they arrived there.

Joy to the World is that kind of hymn. It was written by Isaac Watts to celebrate the second coming of Christ basing it on Psalm 98. But the hymn has been sung by the church as a Christmas song for over 200 years.

You see, Christmas is about Christ's first and second coming. We typically call this the advent season, advent meaning coming. We look back in gratitude to God for sending Christ the first time to die for our sins and we look forward in faith anticipating Christ's return to set all this right once and for all.

Here's our Christmas prayer for you at Palm Vista Community Church: That you would know the joy of Christ's salvation repenting of your sins and placing your faith in Him as your Savior. And that you would anticipate with joy the return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords when He will share His glory with His people bringing ultimate joy to the world!

Join us this Christmas season each Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. We meet in the Miami Lakes Middle School auditorium. Childcare and simultaneous translation into Spanish is provided at each service.