'Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room'

Religious By Rev. Richard Sparrow, Special to The Miami Laker Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I remember as a small child asking my parents if I could have my Christmas present early – then on Christmas morning I would act surprised. To their credit, my folks withstood my sure and certain pressure with the words, “No, we’ll wait until Christmas is here!’  I’m guessing I sulked a bit – but my parents didn’t give in.

Let me say right upfront...Advent is my most cherished seasons of the year because the four Sundays before Christmas gift me with ample opportunity to ‘watch and wait’, preparing my heart for the celebration of the holy birth.

Along that line, my favorite time of day is about two hours before sunrise...as I find the pre-sunrise sky to be breathtaking, beginning with ever-so-soft rays of light appearing at the far reaches behind the horizon. Sunrise then greets me very slowly and I need to be awake for the changes – each morning in a different way. By the time the sun actually appears on the horizon, I’m ready...my watching is done and a new day begins.

Advent is much the same way, watching and waiting, longing and praying for the birth of One who has transformed, does transform and will continue to transform our lives. Our culture doesn’t seem to understand, as we have surround-sound Christmas carols on radios and in malls since Halloween. Let me be clear – I love Christmas music...but I love and appreciate Advent more!

Over the years, wonderful parishioners have pushed me just like I pushed my parents...”Now! – we want Christmas carols now!” In the spirit of Advent and following the wisdom of my parents, I respond, “No, we’ll wait until Christmas is here!’

On Christmas Sunday, December 21, Christmas Eve and Christmastide (up to Epiphany on January 6) we’ll raise the roof with the great Christmas hymns and carols...but for these Advent days of “watching and waiting, longing and praying,” I invite you to join me in preparing our hearts so that at the birth-day of Jesus we’ll be ready to welcome him in – inviting him to transform our lives again and again.