M-D County Commissioner Jordan and residents clean up Country Club

Community Thursday, August 20, 2015


The residents of Country Club of Miami care about their community.

When the neighborhood’s homeowners association initiated a clean-up project, their County Commissioner Barbara Jordan, the local Boy Scouts and the Greater Miami Service Corps, joined the initiative, getting dirty, grabbing rakes, shovels and other cleaning tools to spruce up the area on two Saturdays last month.

Now, the neighborhood looks “great.”

Jordan and the residents tackled unwanted shrubbery along Bob-o-link Drive from Miami Gardens Drive to Royal Melbourne Drive.

The group devoted two Saturdays to the project, recruiting volunteers by knocking on doors, passing out flyers and asking residents to help out.

“When you care about your neighborhood, you will do what it takes to keep the property values up,” Jordan said. “Clearly, the Country Club of Miami community is conscience about the appearance of their surroundings and take pride in their homes.”