Main Street Players set auditions for Greek Play on Oct. 3-4

Home Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Main Street Players at 6766 Main Street are holding auditions for the upcoming classic Greek play by Euripedes, Iphigenia in Aulis, on Tuesday, October 3 and Wednesday October 4 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. This production will be performed entirely in Spanish. All actors must be fluent in Spanish. 

The Greek army has assembled at the Port of Aulis in a battle against Troy. The winds have been calm and the ships cannot sail. Agamemnon, King of Mycenae, has been chosen as a commander in the army. The soldiers have become impatient about being stagnant and demand for Agamemnon to find a solution. 

Agamemnon consults with an oracle who predicts he must sacrifice his eldest daughter, Iphigenia, to the gods for the troops to set sail. Iphigenia is brought to the port under the false pretense that she is to marry decorated soldier Achilles but she, her mother, and the ostensible groom-to-be will soon discover the truth.

Iphigenia in Aulis is the last of the surviving works by the playwright Euripides and won first place at the Athenian city of Dionysia. Its a play that questions the boundaries of ambitions and the meaning of who is really a hero.


Iphigenia: The eldest daughter of King Agamemnon is completely devoted to her father. She is a young woman brought to the Aulis under the pretense she is to be married to Achilles.

Agamemnon: King of Mycenae, commander of the Greek army, husband of Clytemnestra, and father of Iphigenia. He is an ambitious politician but unsure of his own motives and in some respects, a coward. 

Clytemnestra: Queen of Mycenae, wife of Agamemnon and mother of Iphigenia. A commanding and efficient woman who treats her weak husband with scant respect. Her speech to him is a strong one containing reproach for his past and threats for the future. 

Achilles: A noble Greek warrior who is used, without his knowledge, to bring Iphigenia to the Port Aulis to supposedly become his bride. 

Menelaus: King of Sparta, Agamemnon’s younger brother. The jealous husband of ravished Helen and brother of Agamemnon. Eager for the sacrifice of Iphigenia to win the Trojan war and rescue his wife. 

Messenger: Role can be male or female. Servant of Agamemnon. This role will double up as the messenger for the show. The messenger narrates plot events and delivers the epilogue. 
The Chorus of Women of Chalcis (4): The chorus of women of Chalcis, who have come to Aulis to see the Greek ships and warriors and become the maids of honor for Iphigenia’s wedding. Their description of the Greek fleet and army emphasizes the importance of the war to follow. 

Actors will be compensated for their performance. Those wishing to audition must bring a recent headshot and updated resume. All actors auditioning should prepare one 3-minute classic monologue in Spanish and be ready to read sides or a poem. Any foreseeable conflicts during the rehearsal process must be stated.

All actors who audition will receive an audition form to complete prior to the audition date. These audition forms should be sent to the director. To schedule an audition time and submit an audition form, email the director, Isaac Polanco at