Season of Peace and Joy

Religious By Father Jack Stanton, Special to The Miami Laker Friday, December 18, 2015


Greetings from the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany (Iglesia de la Epifania) in Miami Lakes during this holiday season. This year our Season of Peace and Joy is clouded by acts of terrorism in Paris and around the world. 

As we see reports of violence almost every morning on the TV, our own neighborhoods don’t seem to be safe. Yet into this difficult time we bring our message of joy as we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace. In the face of fear, we say that peace will prevail. In the face of violence, we say that safety will overcome. In the absence of faith, we proclaim that God continues to bless and strengthen us.

Have a Blessed Christmas Season. As it has been said, ‘Don’t believe in miracles, count on them.’