SLE chorus and cheerleaders spread holiday joy

Education Wednesday, January 6, 2016


The Christmas film “Elf” is full of memorable lines, among them is “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!” The students at Spanish Lake Elementary (SLE) School agreed with the sentiment and decided to go above and beyond previous years in giving back to the community. 

Through the efforts of music teachers, Diana Garcia, and Jackson Bunn, the students were scheduled to perform and entertain at the Schott Communities, a center for the deaf and disabled.  Under the guidance of Ludy Compagines, the SLE cheerleaders would be able to interact with the patients directly after their performance cheering, singing, and dancing,

Schott Communities is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1986 to address the needs of persons who are deaf or who are physically or intellectually challenged in South Florida. The agency is an extension of the ministry of the Archdiocese of Miami for this special population. 

Schott Communities develops residential housing for the deaf or disabled, designs programs to assist clients develop skills for independent living, offers clients counseling services and educational programs to promote self-sufficiency, and provides clients with social, recreational and spiritual opportunities to enhance their quality and enjoyment of life. In an environment of caring and dignity, persons who are deaf or disabled are encouraged and challenged to grow in self-acceptance and independence.


The students came up with a plan to raise funds needed for the bus and to bring in a small stuffed animal to share with each Schott student at the end of the program. In addition, each Schott student received a handmade card. The true meaning of the holiday season, a time for giving and a time for spreading joy was celebrated. 

In return, the smiles on the SLE’s student’s faces from rejoicing in the participation and being thankful for the opportunity fulfilled to themselves that they had accomplished something useful…enriching another human being’s life. SLE students decided to start a new tradition: spreading joy!